There is something very satisfying about growing something to eat. Planting seeds, nurturing the plants and then having the pleasure of devouring it’s produce when it is ready for picking. Food you have grown definitely tastes better somehow and it is better for the planet too.

Gardening is one of the most therapeutic activities I know. When I’m in the garden, time goes by so quickly because it takes me out of my whirling thoughts about past and future. It’s just me, the garden, and the task in hand. It fully utilises your senses – the feel of the soil, the smell of the flowers, the sight of the colours and textures of the garden and the sound of the birds and wind in the trees. Taste is of course the reward you have once you have successfully grown something to eat. I always feel better after some time in the garden. I like to think it is because we have evolved to look to nature for our food – not supermarkets.
Whether you are lucky enough to have a garden or not, it is still possible to give growing some home produce a go. A balcony or a sunny window ledge will do. It is always best to start simple. Why not try growing a few herbs, or mustard and cress to keep on the kitchen windowsill first? If you want to be a bit more adventurous, tomatoes and chillies are a good for a sunny window.
If you are lucky enough to have a garden, find an area that will get plenty of sun through the day for your new veg patch – or if you prefer, use some large pots with drainage holes and fresh peat-free compost. Some easy crops to get you going would be radishes, spring onions, carrots and rocket. Follow the instructions on the seed packets and don’t forget to keep your seeds moist by watering them when needed.
Learning how to grow food takes patience but is so rewarding. You will soon discover what works best for your indoor space, or garden soil and conditions. We all have disasters and setbacks, but as with life, that makes the successes taste all the sweeter. Happy gardening!